Saturday 29 January 2011


Last meet frankly not as good as last few times we have got together. Not to say I did not enjoy the hours upon  hours of rolling around in bed. Hours of kissing, licking, fucking. No I did enjoy that. Just me really. Could not quite relax as easily as other times we have met. Perhaps I am having feelings of guilt? In all honesty I really have no idea what was wrong with me. Just did not seem to be able to let go, have a laugh. We stayed in a beautiful room. More like a small apartment really. Everything was perfect apart from me.

Wish I could convey my feelings better although being unsure about them myself very difficult to describe. At home not much better either, quite moody, distracted. It is not right. Possibly my adventures cannot be without price? What with working full time, add on top overtime and now keeping a lover happy does not leave much room for anything else let alone my wife.

Do I need to pay wife more attention? Need to give more time for her? So important that no one gets hurt. Now I realise that this is not just about keeping my extra marital relationship secret, I need to keep a balance. Maybe it’s impossible to keep? I don’t know. Maybe some people are able to keep everything running smoothly?  Just that today I have my first doubts I am able to do this.

Maybe someone reading this may understand?

1 comment:

  1. I'm only the paramour in this situations, but I think that you should recognize that your wife/family comes first before the mistress if you intend to stay married. As the "other woman," I know that his allegiance isn't to me, but it's to his wife, and while I get a large chunk of his time, at the end of the day, it's not me he's coming home to.
